Friday, September 27, 2013

Small scale and Large Scale Agriculture

Small Scale and Large Scale Agriculture are also a part of deforestation causes. Small Scale or, Subsistence agriculture, deals with cutting down trees but mainly for farming families. This is about twenty to twenty five percent of deforestation causes.  While large Scale commercial agriculture, or more commonly known as Commercial farming, is a type of farming that is performed on a larger scale. These farmers use machines such as tractors and harvesters to clear out the areas and begin their farming. In Latin America, Commercial farming takes up about five to ten percent of the deforestation causes. Studies show that two thirds of all cut forests are due to this agriculture.

Location: Amazon Basin/Brazil

Date: 2010/February 17th

Chapter/ Page Relevance: "The South American Realm" Chapter,

"Agriculture Land Use and Deforestation" Section (Pg. 242)

Key terms/ Concepts: Subsistence agriculture, Commercial Agriculture

Large Scale, Small Scale farming 

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