Friday, September 27, 2013

How to Help

Although there are no set ways to end deforestation in the Brazilian amazon, we can take steps to help with the cause. There are many nonprofit organizations that strive to end the deforestation process. Some of those organizations include:

1          Conservation International -- teaches local farmers how to maximize their existing land, rather than clear new areas
2.      The World Wildlife Fund -- works to shape policies and teams with communities to preserve forests
3.      Rainforest Action Network -- uses in-your-face advertising campaigns to call attention to the rainforests
4.      The Environmental Defense Fund -- champions government bills that provide financial incentive to private landowners (such as farmers) who practice land conservation
5.      The Sierra Club -- works to protect and restore U.S. forests
6.      Amazon Watch -- defends the rights of indigenous people and communities faced with industrial development
7.      The Nature Conservancy -- has developed several initiatives to advance conservation

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