Friday, September 27, 2013

Causes of Deforestation

Today there are many causes of deforestation in the Amazon Rain forest. The main cause of deforestation is Cattle Ranches, then subsistence agriculture, commercial agriculture, logging both illegal and legal, and Fires, mining, urbanization, and road constructions. All of these different causes of deforestation each bring a different issue to our environment and our amazon rain forests. Although they are all affecting the Latin American environment, and the population, they are all doing it in a different way. This, in the long run, is having a serious effect on the issues listed above, and also things such as the climate, our water sources and the species now living in these rain forest.  

Date: May, 2012

Chapter/ Page Relevance: "The South American Realm" Chapter,

"Agriculture Land Use and Deforestation" Section (Pg. 242)

Key terms/ Concepts: Urbanization, environment, population 

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