Friday, September 27, 2013


According to the “National Space Research Institute,” in 1995 burning and logging destroyed more rain forests in Brazil than in any other previous years. Although most of these fires are set to abolish the forests, some are simply caused by farmers attempting to burn their pastures. One of the main issues deforestation by burning brings is the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. These trees that are being burned down each contain twenty percent carbon dioxide, which when burnt down, adds about six billion tons of the damaging gas to enter the atmosphere each year. This leads up to concerns, such as Global Warming, that in turn later leads to climate change.

Location: Amazon Rain forest

Date: 2000-2005

Chapter/ Page Relevance: "The South American Realm" Chapter,
"Agriculture Land Use and Deforestation" Section (Pg. 241)

Key terms/ Concepts: Climate (Pg. 15), Climate Change 

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