Friday, September 27, 2013

Cattle Ranching

Although there are many causes of deforestation, today the most common source is Cattle Ranching in the area. Once government procedures started to change, along with the new roads, cattle ranchers’ began to settle. The beef market in Brazil is one of the highest leading industries, reasons for that would be the decline of real estate prices, and the increase of prices on beef products. Also, because the government was so encouraging for these ranchers to begin their farming, many jumped right in to the process. This of course caused deforestation by cattle ranching to rise quickly. However, according to the National Wildlife Federation, many steps have been taking to change the impact cattle ranching has on our deforestation rates.

Date: 2004

Chapter/ Page Relevance: "The South American Realm" Chapter,

"Agriculture Land Use and Deforestation" Section (Pg. 241)

Key terms/ Concepts: Cattle Ranching, Large Scale Agriculture

Small Scale Agriculture, Logging, 

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